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Lindsay Pepin Ophus

"We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony." -Revelation 12:11

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Who is Lindsay?

Child of God. Wife to Malachi. Birth Mother. Dog Mom. Sister & Friend. Author & Speaker. Attempting Blogger. Lover of Sweets. Seeker of Growth. Fighter & Brave. Encourager of Women. Loud Laugher. Bright Color Wearer. Challenge Accepter. 


About Me




Unqualified is defined as, “Not officially recognized as a practitioner of a particular profession or activity through having satisfied the relevant conditions or requirements. Not competent or sufficiently knowledgeable to do something.”

That’s how I currently feel. Unqualified. I am not officially recognized as writer or blogger. I have not satisfied the relevant conditions or requirements to share my story on a stage. I am not a competent Bible scholar. But here I am . . . I published a book, I am writing a blog (Hey! You’re even reading it!), and people are asking me to speak on stage about Jesus??

But if they only knew,says the little voice in my head. If they only knew that I am not perfect. If they only knew that I have secrets, insecurities, shame. If they only knew that I sin DAILY, then they would never let me speak about this Jesus. I am SO unqualified.

That voice rang in my head so badly when I was writing Joy Will Come that I begged God to pick someone else. I was feeling a lot like Jonah. I did not want to go and tell people about Jesus. I just wanted to be normal and blend in. But then God reminded me that where I am weak, He is strong. Where my strength ends, His begins. That I do not have to be good enough because His grace is sufficient. Every misstep I take, He is there to catch me. I must just keep walking in obedience. Even Jonah got a second chance and was barfed out of that whale belly.

I don’t know what God has asked you to do. Maybe it’s to share your story like me. Maybe it’s to switch jobs. Maybe it’s to start a church. Yes, you are unqualified, but that is right where Jesus wants you. He wants to fulfill your purpose IN Christ and WITH Christ! He wants you to walk every step of the way hand in hand with Him, in HIS strength. He has you! BE BOLD!

Qualified in Christ!


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